Saturday, April 27, 2013


First, you think the worst is a broken heart

Some relationships are not fortunate enough to achieve the forever they have always dreamed of.  There are a lot of reasons why relationships end, but whatever those are, it all creates a broken heart in the lives of the people who lost their significant other.  There are people who easily move on, but there are also some who cannot let go of the fact that they have just lost the battle that was once theirs to fight for.  Some cry until all the tears run dry, some drink beer until they forget the happy memories they once shared, some pretend to be happy until they also make their selves believe in the lies they have created.  But no matter what people do, the broken heart remains inside because we cannot deny the fact that love just played its major game on us.

What's gonna kill you is the second part

As the scar of the broken heart deepens, it will be harder to admit that your life is now different.  The usual long calls turn into not calling at all.  The lovely endearments turn into memories that was once yours to cherish.  Everything you thought would be permanent just turned into a dream that is now a part of your past.  And as you reminisce, the memories that made your life perfect during the relationship are the ones that slowly kills your heart.  As you lie down before the day ends, you ask yourself: What have I done wrong?

And the third, is when your world splits down the middle

We cannot deny the fact that when we love, our world revolves around that person.  You do everything together and talk everyday, but that was the PAST.  How do you cope with the broken heart?  How do you tell yourself to move on when everything you used to do, you do it for love?  And now, all you can do is cry because everything you thought was real is not.  But what we do not know is this: The depression caused by heartbreak creates a barrier that prevents us from feeling and experiencing life to its fullest.

And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself

Time heals all wounds.  After a certain period of time, we realize that the pain is slowly gone.  This is the time wherein we start to entertain new people into our lives.  The smiles that faded away during the heartbreak is now visible once again at this stage.  We also get to apprehend that the world can offer us something better and that we can be happy without the help of someone who does nothing, but hurt us.  At this point in time, it slowly becomes clear to us that the world does not revolve around love and we can focus on other things in order to make our lives successful.

Fifth, you see them out with someone else

Problem is, the broken heart comes rushing out again when we see them with someone else.  Although we have to accept the fact that the relationship is already history and you are no longer in a relationship, it kills to see him/her with someone knowing that you used to be the only one who made him/her smile and laugh.  But as time passes by, you realize that it would be best to shrug it off.  We can only wish them well and let them enjoy their lives.  We all deserve to be happy and if that is what makes him/her happy, let them be.

And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have messed up a little

The best way to move on is to accept that you both made mistakes.  He may have done some things to hurt you, but have you thought about the fact that you may have hurt him at some point of the relationship too?  Forgive and forget.  It will surely be hard, but we also have to consider that not all love stories have a happy ending.

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