Saturday, March 23, 2013


Each and everyone of us has our own 8th world wonders.  They may be in the form of an object, a pet, a place or a person.  But the 8th world wonder is commonly said to be a person who gives you an out of this world feeling.

I first read this story on  I was around fourteen years old that time.  Honestly, I did not believe that this certain kind of thing does exist.  Like seriously, an 8th world wonder?  That is ridiculous.  I used to think that you just fall in love with someone and that's it.  But an out of this world feeling?  NAH!

Funny thing is after four years, my belief actually changed.  Here is the thing, I met a guy who turned everything upside down.  It was around 12:26 AM, 23rd of March 2013.  It all started as a random conversation with a stranger.  Sounds unbelievable, right?  You might actually think that it is not even possible.  Well, I met him online, in a site wherein the tagline goes like this: Talk to strangers!  Does that ring a bell?

So, how did it all begin aside from the fact that it was a random conversation with a stranger?  In that site, you have to write some of your interests.  When I pressed Text, I waited for some time and then the next thing I know, I was talking to him.  I thought it would be like those other conversations wherein we will get disconnected all of a sudden, but ours was a very different story.  At first, it was just a plain and normal conversation, then we exchanged digits.  Thanks to Viber, anything is possible!  Here is another thing, we are miles apart from each other.  Because of that, I thought goodbyes would actually be easy.

The next five hours were the best five hours of my life.  There were a combination of various feelings that came out of nowhere.  I was happy, sad, enthralled, but most especially, in love.  You might actually find it funny and you might actually think I am crazy, but that is the truth.  Ironic as it may seem, but I found my 8th world wonder in just five hours.

When we had to bid goodbye, it was the most painful feeling I have ever felt.  I was not ready, my heart was not ready.  There was something inside me that must be revealed.  Good thing is, I was not the only one who was feeling that way.  We were both in love, but we both know that the dream has its end.  It all happened in five hours.  Deep inside, I know it is real.  Maybe one day, maybe someday, we will both wake up again from this very nice dream.

Dear Stranger,

Thank you for being my 8th world wonder.  I don't know when I'll be able to talk to you again, but I'll surely be looking forward to it.  I hope you don't forget me because I won't forget how you touched my heart forever.  As much as I don't want to lose you, I don't have a choice.  Yes, I must admit, it is breaking me to pieces knowing that this will all end soon.  But while it is still here and I am not yet waking up, I want to cherish every moment.  If you can read this right now, I want you to know how happy I am that I met someone like you and I want to take this chance to tell you that I love you. I really do.

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